
Condensed soymilk

Use as 'creamer' in coffee or tea, or in recipes calling for condensed milk.

Yield: 1 cup
Cooking time: approx. 30 to 40 minutes

Step 1

2 cups soymilk (unsweetened, or sweetened)

Put soymilk in a medium size saucepan, and place on stove.
Set the heat to medium low.
With a wooden spoon, stir a few times during the next 5 minutes.

After about 5 minutes, when the soymilk starts to produce steam, turn the heat down to low.

From here on.... stir continually, to keep soymilk from sticking.

After about 30 minutes, pour the soymilk into a measuring cup to measure the volume. If the soymilk has reduced to 1 cup, it's ready.

If not, pour it back into pot, and cook a bit longer until the soymilk has reduced more. (Pour and measure again.)

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Step 2  : Optional. Adding a sweetener and/or flavour.

If you used unsweetened soymilk, a small amt. of sweetener softens the soy taste. Recommended:

2 tsp. maple syrup (or another liquid sweetener)

You can also try a flavouring extract. Add a small amt. at a time (then taste).
For example: 1/8 tsp. vanilla extract.

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When the soymilk has cooled somewhat (no more steam), put into a small jar, with lid, and store in the refrigerator. It should stay fresh for about 4 or 5 days.

It can also be frozen.
Pour whatever amount you'd like to store into an ice cube tray.
When the cubes have frozen, transfer them into a freezer storage bag.