
Pumpkin seed (or sesame seed) topping

Texture is like parmesan cheese, but has a distinctive, unique taste.

Good as a topping on, for example: salad, cooked greens, baked potato,
cooked grains.

Sprinkle a few teaspoons per individual serving.

Grind together, using a coffee bean grinder (easiest), otherwise with a mortar & pestle:

– 1/3 cup shelled, unsalted  PUMPKIN SEEDS (or sesame seeds)
        (the seeds can be raw or slightly roasted)
– 1/2 Tablespoon  NUTRITIONAL YEAST  ("Red Star" brand recommended)
– 1/4 tsp.  ONION POWDER
– 1/4 tsp.  SALT (The salt is optional; see *Note)

When ground, the texture will be between coarsely and finely powdered.

Transfer to a mixing bowl and stir with a fork to make sure everything is well blended.

Yields about 2/3 cup.

Put in a glass jar, and store in fridge or freezer.
Keeps well in fridge for a few weeks; much longer in freezer.

* NOTE:  SALT (based on 1 tsp. = approx. 2,360 mg sodium)
- 1/4 tsp. (in the recipe) = 590 mg sodium
- Recipe yields approx. 2/3 cup = 31 tsp.
- 590 mg sodium divided by 31 tsp. = 19 mg sodium per teaspoon of the
   pumpkin seed topping

Therefore, two teaspoons of the pumpkin seed topping = 38 mg sodium.